Residing in Málaga, Spain, BSN Posse are always working on creating new music in various genres whether it's Juke, Jungle, or Footwork to name a few. The two artists which make up BSN Posse, Broken Lip & Stay Puft, also run their own label titled, Iberian Juke. Being open minded and helping to support other upcoming talent, they are certainly focused on getting the music out there for everyone's enjoyment.
Hello to both of you, hopefully things are going alright for you during these difficult times?
Hi guys! We think everyone is having a weird time right now, so we just try to be fine by spending time doing things we love and try not think so much about problems, but sometimes is not easy, but the music always helps.
So tell us some of the background on how you two first met up and decided that you wanted to pursue making music together?
We met because of some common friends, and during those years we were part of a music collective. We had a lot of raves and a little underground studio with some other music friends. After some crazy years we discovered Footwork and we decided to mix it with all our influences and BSN Posse just started there.
It looks like you guys have the "Rituals" EP coming out very soon here on the German based, Defrostatica label. A nicely put together EP with variety for the listener and I am really enjoying the track "Southern Comfort". Have you followed this label for awhile and decided to send a demo in hopes of getting a release?
We discovered Defrostatica probably because we have always been searching for artists and labels with a similar vision of music. We always loved every release on this label and after some time we were invited to play at party hosted by them in Leipzig and we met the Defrostatica family. It was an amazing night of good, loud music and we’ve been talking about releasing some music with them, so here we are!

Can you give some insight about the history and why you started up the Iberian Juke music label? Any news or upcoming releases that you would like to mention?
After some years of hard work we decided to start with the label just to show our particular vision of Footwork/Juke music. We met some guys after playing a few parties in Barcelona, those guys became good friends and we decided to work together to show the Spanish people about this music genre. Also we discovered great artists like Stayhigh, probably the best Footwork producer in Spain so far and during these years we have been releasing lots of EP’s and albums mainly from Spanish producers just to give them a chance to be heard. The family was growing more and more until finally the label was composed by artists from everywhere. Shout out to all of them, we love you guys.
About the present, it’s a little bit sad but the truth is that the label is on standby right now, most of us work full time, others have some new music projects and it was hard to be focused on the label as it deserved. So we decided to take some time, but we didn’t make any announcement on social media just because you never know if someday we will be back.
What are the local events and music culture like in your city when things aren't in a state of lockdown?
Well we love our city, but being honest Málaga is not the best one if you like Bass music. The only way to listen to the music you like, is to make your own party. During the last year it seems that things are changing, but maybe we are getting older and organizing parties is not one of our dreams right now haha. We are chill guys and these last few years we spent more time at home, but every time we know about some nice events we are there.

Who are some of your favorite artists since you got into this music and who would you really enjoy a chance of collaborating with?
We are happy to say that we are friends of some of our favorite artists like Stayhigh, Sideswipe or Nikes, and the footwork community around the world is just awesome. We have friends around the world and have been supporting each other for a long time. Shout out to our Belarus Fam ‘Bassota’, Polish Juke, Juke Bounce Werk, Teklife, Booty Tune, Modern Ruin, and many more.
Can you give us an idea of what have you both been listening to lately that our readers should check out?
These last years we have been listening a lot of this new generation of Jazz artists, so if you don’t know some of these names just run and check them. Yussef Dayes, Domi & JD, and Go Go Penguin.
Keep updated with BSN Posse at any of the following links.