Busy crafting his sound with releases on various labels like Terabyte Records, Skalator Music, Suspect Device Music, and more, we got in touch with M:Pathy for a few questions! M:Pathy's recent work can be found on a variety of podcasts and dj mixes from around the dnb community with support from veteran acts.
With your new releases on Suspect Drive Productions & Skalator Music, it looks like you have been busy crafting new arrangements. Is it easy for you to make time for creating music?
It’s not always easy, no. I think over the years I have tried to fine-tune and hone my workflows, so I can maximise the time I get on the buttons. I used to make tunes virtually every day but today all I need is a day or two in the week. Usually I can flesh out the main skeleton of a track in a few hours and then from there, I will tweak the mix whenever I have time.
Your recent work on the tracks "Anticipation" & "Pressure", on Skalator Music is great! There is a nice contrast between the two tracks on this release. Were you caught off guard by the show of support so far?
I think to have support from Noisia on one track and then LTJ Bukem on the other has definitely caught me off guard as well as showing that contrast in the two tracks. The support in the scene for this release has been overwhelming and I could not be more thankful for everyone that has plugged and / or played the release.
The tracks on the "Undercover" release from Suspect Drive Productions show more quality work from you. We are sure these tunes will end up in more than a few playlists. Any new releases in the works that you can tell us about?
Thanks for the kind words! There is a lot of material in the pipeline with new labels and old, as well as a lot of collaborations which I am unbelievably excited for. I have been stockpiling tunes for a few years now, with a lot of those tunes only now starting to surface so…watch this space!

What are some labels that you would like to get some music released on?
That is a bit of a difficult one if I’m honest. There are so many great labels at the moment, to be a part of even a fraction of them would keep me busy for the next few years.
Can you give us 3 artists or tracks you have been playing a lot recently?
I have not had a chance to play out as much (promoters hit me up!) Here are three percys though:
- Homemade Weapons – Second Skin
- Sabre (feat. Alix Perez) – Javelin
- Instra:mental - Thugtronik
Any closing thoughts or shout outs?
Yes, massive thanks again for the interview. I cannot thank enough Gil & Hugo at Skalator Music, as well as Drew at Suspect Device, for all their help and support in these releases. Their professionalism has been outstanding! Shouts to everyone I have worked with and who have supported me, I would not be where I am today without them! If you haven’t already bought them ‘Anticipation’ / ‘Pressure’ on Skalator and ‘Undercover’ / ‘Witness’ on Suspect Device, are out now…go buy it, blessie!
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