Keeping things simple in his daily life and in the studio, Wagz is back with more fresh music. Pressing onward with his latest effort, the songs will take your mind to a different place with their alluring atmospheres, while refusing to become stagnant. With another release on the way soon, Wagz was kind enough to answer some questions for us.
Hello Daniel, glad you could make some time to talk, how are you doing?
Yeah good, looking forward to getting some new music out there and trying to not look at the news.
You have been welcomed back to the none60 label for the release of your new Forward Motion EP. A great listen all around with nice versatility and sounds. What helps you stay committed to finishing songs?
I think having people like Andy to send music to and get honest feedback is a big help. I really struggle finishing stuff so it helps if I know it has a chance of being released, gives me the motivation to finish a track off. On rare occasions there are tracks that I can finish in a few hours, but usually it takes a lot of back and forth.
With things being a bit negative in 2020, what are some positive takeaways for you this year?
Music wise I’ve really stripped down how I produce music which has helped, I find it a lot less time consuming as I once did and in turn a lot more enjoyable. I’ve also had some support from DJs who I look up to like Fabio and Doc Scott which is a big source of inspiration. Lockdown wise I’m cooking my own breakfast rather than crappy canteen food, and doing more yoga at home, so it’s not all doom and gloom.
What artists and music labels help keep you inspired to create new music?
DnB wise I think early/mid 2000’s is a period that I will forever be attached to, Soul:R being the biggest inspiration label wise. More recent stuff I really like are Response and Pliskin, proper no nonsense music, and their slower stuff is really raw. Outside of DnB I listen to as much as I can, hip hop, indie, rock, synth stuff, soundtracks.
Wagz - Forward Motion EP
When you aren't working on music, what other hobbies or interests keep you busy?
Watching films or a good TV series, running when it’s not pissing it down, yoga.
It's always nice to try something new in the kitchen. What are a few of your favorite food dishes?
Lamb massaman, sticky pork belly, poached eggs on toast.
What are some recent things you have been listening to in any genre that our readers should check out?
New Future Islands, Pan Amsterdam, Marlowe, Alex Cameron, Doves or give up looking for anything new and just put a bit of Michael McDonald on.

Do you want to share any other news or updates with readers?
I’ve signed an EP to Influence which is due for early 2021, hopefully get some other tunes out there as well.
Any closing thoughts or shout outs?
Massive thanks to Andy from NONE60, and thanks to anyone who’s listening to my music out there all 7 of you.
Keep updated with Wagz at any of the following links.